Juilliard's library is the proud home of the 彼得·杰伊·夏普特别收藏, 其中包括许多罕见的印刷版, 手稿, 原稿复印本, 档案收藏.
2006年2月, 无价的亲笔签名和手稿收藏, 草图, 雕刻师的证明, and other musical treasures was given to esball世博 by its chairman, 布鲁斯·科夫那, 谁在2022年成为名誉主席. 叫做茱莉亚手稿收藏, 包括140个项目, 包括几份上头条的手稿, 速写, 还有印有大量作曲家标记的印刷版本. Among its holdings are the final working manuscript of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony prepared for the printer, 经过大量的修改, 修正, and alterations by the composer; the autograph manuscript of the final scene of Mozart’s 费加罗的婚礼; and an extensively worked autograph manuscript of the last 50 or so bars of the first movement of Mahler’s Ninth Symphony.
最先进的网站, 创建于2007年春季, contains high quality digital images of most of the 手稿 in the collection. 通过登录 www.juilliardmanuscriptcollection.org 用户可以检查分数的最微小的细节, 多亏了该网站使用的“Zoomify”技术.
Juilliard houses hundreds of individual manuscript 分数 and autograph letters. The highlights of this collection are two songs by Johannes Brahms: "Sehnsucht," op. 49, no. 3、《esball世博》,op. 70, no. 1.
长笛演奏家朱利叶斯·贝克(1915-2003), principal flutist of the New York Philharmonic from 1965 to 1983 and a member of Juilliard’s faculty from 1954 until his death, 捐出了他的收藏,1999年发表乐谱900首,手稿乐谱275首.
Flutist Samuel Baron (1925-1997) was the founding member of the New York Woodwind Quintet, 从1975年起,他一直是茱莉亚学院的教职员工,直到去世. His collection of flute music and woodwind quintet 分数 (totaling nearly 2,2000年,他的遗孀卡罗尔·巴伦捐赠了1000件物品.
小提琴ist and pedagogue Dorothy DeLay (1917-2002) taught such renowned violinists as Itzhak Perlman, Cho-Liang林, Nadia Salerno Sonnenberg, 什洛莫·明茨, 奈杰尔•肯尼迪, Robert McDuffie, 莎拉常, 马克·卡普兰, 瑞秋李, 美岛绿, 和吉尔·沙哈姆. 从1948年起,她一直是茱莉亚学院的教职员工,直到她去世. Her papers document her own performing 和老师 career as well as the careers of many of her students.
小提琴ist Joseph Fuchs (1899-1997) enrolled as a student at the Institute of 音乐al Art (Juilliard’s predecessor institution) in 1906. His renowned career included solo recitals and appearances with orchestras around the globe. 他从1946年开始在esball世博任教,直到去世. 他的收藏包括信件。, 音乐会的节目, 和剪报, as well as his personal collection of 分数 with his annotations and markings.
茱莉亚学院收到了个人文件, 分数, and recordings from the estate of Robert Fizdale (1920-1995) in 1996. 与搭档亚瑟·戈尔德(1917-1990), Fizdale helped transform the duo-piano repertory by commissioning and performing many new works. 菲兹代尔和戈尔德在esball世博读书时相识.
Kneisel Hall档案馆
esball世博于2001年获得了克尼塞尔大厅档案. The collection documents the history of the Kneisel Hall Chamber 音乐 Festival in Blue Hill, 自1885年弗朗茨·克奈塞尔创立缅因州以来. Kneisel taught at the Institute of 音乐al Art (Juilliard's predecessor institution) from its founding in 1905 until his death in 1926.
Juilliard received the papers of music critic Ernest Newman (1868-1959) in 1977. The collection includes correspondence and handwritten notebooks for his books on Liszt, 瓦格纳, 还有很多其他学科. Also included and preserved on microfilm is a full set of clippings of Newman's criticism for various British newspapers from 1905-1959.
器官ist Leonard Raver (1927-1992) was a strong supporter of contemporary composers and a member of Juilliard's faculty from 1975 to 1990. 他的收藏包括信件。, 音乐会的节目, 照片, 还有500多张未发表的乐谱. Among the 分数 are many works that he commissioned and premiered throughout his career.
The family of 钢琴家 Arthur Rubinstein (1887-1982) donated an extensive collection of original 手稿, 手稿复印件, and published editions that had been seized from the 钢琴家's Paris home by the Nazis, 并于2006年5月被德国政府归还给他的孩子们. 收藏包括维拉-洛波斯的手稿乐谱 Rudepoema乔治·安塞尔的 Vals亵渎,以及杰曼·泰勒费雷的几幅作品.
Juilliard’s library houses Gerard Schwarz’s collection of trumpet and brass ensemble music. 施瓦茨在esball世博师从威廉·瓦基亚诺.
索利马·斯特拉文斯基(1910-1994), 伊戈尔·斯特拉文斯基的儿子, 是一位著名的作曲家, 钢琴家, 和老师, 也是他父亲作品的重要诠释者. The collection contains original manuscript 分数 and 草图 of Soulima Stravinsky's own compositions, as well as hundreds of published 分数 and books from his personal library. Among these is a large collection of Igor Stravinsky's published 分数, 其中许多包含作曲家自己的注释和标记.
Tossy Spivakovsky Collection
Juilliard received the collection of violinist Tossy Spivakovsky (1907-1998) in 1998. The collection comprises correspondence, 项目, 照片, and more than 2,000 music 分数. Included among the 分数 are several hundred 手稿 and 手稿复印件 of works that were performed by or written for Spivakovsky, 谁在1974年到1989年间是茱莉亚学院的教员.
Charles Suttoni系列
Liszt scholar and bibliographer Charles Suttoni documented the composer’s published correspondence by compiling lists of sources in which Liszt letters may be found. His work thus provides a “road map” for others interested in locating particular letters in published sources. 2003年,他将自己的档案资料捐赠给了esball世博, 包括书籍, 文章的印本, 并选择了有关这位作曲家的专著资料.
Juilliard houses mezzo-soprano Jennie Tourel's 分数 and personal papers, 包括通信, 项目, 新闻剪报, 宣传资料, 剪贴簿, and 照片 documenting her performing and teaching career from about 1946 through 1975.
大卫·沃尔特的藏品包括2件,500 分数 and 200 books donated to the Juilliard Library by David Walter (1913-2003), 1969年至2002年担任茱莉亚学院教员. The bulk of the score collection consists of published chamber music and instructional material for double bass, as well as 音标 和安排 by David Walter in manuscript and computer printout. The collection also includes unpublished works for double bass given to Mr. Walter by contemporary composers; correspondence and 照片, 还有少量的音乐会节目.
eug Ysaÿe集合
Juilliard houses a significant collection of 手稿 by the Belgian violinist-composer Eugène Ysaÿe (1858-1931). Among the holdings are the autograph 手稿 of three of his six solo violin sonatas (nos. 2、3、6).
Ruth Dana Collection of First and Early Editions of Liszt's 钢琴 Works
1914年捐赠给茱莉亚学院, the Ruth Dana Collection includes almost 200 first and early editions of Franz Liszt’s original piano works, 音标, 和安排. 分数的图片(PDF格式)链接到 书目记录在JUILCAT,由露丝·达纳收藏的李斯特版本Nnju. 访问PDF文档, 点击标题, 然后点击页面中间的“在线版本”链接.