1. What kind of acting students are you looking for?
We are interested in curious, 充满激情的学生,他们渴望并有能力与他们扮演的角色建立联系,并对讲述能够影响观众的故事感兴趣. 我们寻找有潜力从培训中受益的学生,并将以认真和坚定的方式在课堂和排练中投入工作.
2. What’s the difference between the BFA and MFA training?
BFA students take a series of 文科 courses; MFA students take graduate seminars in a variety of topics related to theater. 然而, MFA和BFA的学生在工作室里一起学习和工作, 运动, 现场研究, Alexander Technique, 等.)及项目. Our acting program is unique in this, 我们的学生表示,这种观点和经验的多样性是我们的一大优势.
- 的 Bachelor of Fine Arts degree 是否适用于以前没有完成四年制学位的学生.
- 的 Master of Fine Arts degree 是为那些在进入esball世博之前获得四年制学位的学生准备的.
每班18人,包括8 - 10名博鳌亚洲论坛学生和8 - 10名艺术硕士学生. Some BFA students are right out of high school. 然而, 在任何一年, 我们可能有30多岁的BFA学生和22岁刚毕业的MFA学生.
3. What level of experience do you expect from applicants?
Students enter Juilliard from a variety of backgrounds. Some have gone to performing arts schools or majored in acting or theater; others come from a more general secondary or liberal arts education. Some are relatively new to the craft of acting. 许多人一直在这个行业工作,并决定回到学校接受进一步的培训.
4. What can I do to prepare?
我们认识到,并非所有社区都为行动者提供同样的机会. 然而,我们鼓励你以任何方式参与艺术. 在学校或当地剧院为作品试镜或表演, whether community or professional, is, 当然, 伟大的经历. 但你也可以为了娱乐而阅读戏剧,参观艺术画廊,或者亲自或在线去听音乐会, as well as seek out opportunities in 运动 or singing.
5. I am interested in musical theater. Does your program offer a major for this?
而表演课程并不是专门针对音乐剧的, 它提供三年的歌唱训练,从第二年开始,也有许多舞蹈和运动课程. Many of our productions provide opportunities for singing and 运动; in addition, 第三年, 在我们一年一度的歌舞晚会上,所有的演员都在表演歌曲和音乐. 当然, 我们的许多毕业生在音乐剧领域产生了实质性的专业影响.
如果你对古典声乐训练更感兴趣,我们鼓励你看看 声乐艺术 department at Juilliard.
6. Am I able to take classes in more than one division?
的 戏剧 Division’s program is extremely rigorous, 从早上到晚上上课和排练. Due to the structure of the schedule, 学生不可能在一个以上的部门上课. 会有, 然而, 在这里你有很多机会锻炼你在舞蹈或音乐方面的能力, including playing instruments.
You will also engage in interdisciplinary collaboration 与来自舞蹈和音乐部门的学生交流,并与他们的一流教师交流.
7. 你对试音过程和选择曲目有什么建议吗?
We are interested in discovering who you are as an actor. Choose pieces that you love, 你愿意花上两分钟的时间来体验这些人物的旅程,并与我们分享他们的故事. Don’t worry about finding a monologue that is rarely done; we want to see what you bring to good writing.
You may choose characters of any gender identification.
8. May I do a monologue from a film?
你可以选择一个来自剧本的当代独白,甚至是你自己写的, 但你也应该准备一些已发表的剧本.
9. I’m confused about verse and prose in the classical piece.
我们要求你们的经典曲目中至少有一首来自莎士比亚的戏剧,并且至少有一首是诗. 你可以准备两首莎士比亚的诗或两首韵文. 然而, if, 例如, 你选择了莎士比亚的散文选集, you should have a second piece prepared which is in verse, either by Shakespeare or another author.
10. Should I work with a coach?
一般来说,在别人面前排练你的作品是个好主意, but it’s not necessary to hire a professional coach. 事实上, 越来越多的申请者受到过度指导的困扰——他们把一件作品当成一件已经完成的表演,有固定的选择,而不是与一个想象中的伴侣进行一场活生生的互动. We are looking for potential, not polish.
11. How important is the song?
听你唱一首歌的一部分可以让我们的老师有机会更多地了解你的音域和乐器. A trained singing voice is not required for admission. 事实上, not every applicant will be asked to sing.
12. May I accompany myself on the guitar or other instrument?
13. Do you accept transfer students?
We do accept quite a few students who have studied elsewhere for a period of time; 然而, 他们作为一年级学生进入茱莉亚学院,完成完整的四年课程, beginning in the fall. 的re are no January transfers.
14. 你允许第一次申请时没有被录取的申请人重新申请吗?
是的. 我们欢迎重新申请,并且经常让学生在第二次面试后进入这个项目. 再多一年的培训和经验会有所不同.
15. How many times may I apply?
的 maximum number of application attempts is four. 例如, 演员可以作为BFA申请人申请两次,然后在完成本科学位后返回申请两次MFA申请人.
16. 在esball世博学习表演的一天是怎样的?
看到我们的 Juilliard 戏剧 – A Day in the Life video, featuring Lorenzo Jackson, a member of Group 48.